1. Mix apple pieces with nutmeg, cinnamon, and Splenda to taste.
2. Add 1 tbsp. skim milk to apple mixture.
3. Spray small pie tin with cooking spray place melba toast in the bottom, then top with apple mixture.
4. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
2. Add 1 tbsp. skim milk to apple mixture.
3. Spray small pie tin with cooking spray place melba toast in the bottom, then top with apple mixture.
4. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
* 1 Small Apple (diced)
* 2 Slices melba toast, crumbled
* 1 tsp Skim milk
* Nutmeg/Cinnamon (to taste)
* Splenda (to taste)
* 2 Slices melba toast, crumbled
* 1 tsp Skim milk
* Nutmeg/Cinnamon (to taste)
* Splenda (to taste)