Elevate Your Well-Being with Premium Supplements
Boost Your Health Journey

Your Q-Line Essentials
The Must-Haves to Start your Journey
All plans incorporate the following supplements:
Gold XTRM (Fatburner after goal weight is met)
Q-Blocker Plus
Product Knowledge is Power
Clients come to QWL because they want to lose weight, and they want to lose it quickly. Most clients want weight loss aids that will help them in the process. Most clients need weight loss aids for healthier weight loss.
It’s our job to make sure we understand how our products work in conjunction with your nutritional program to give you fast, safe, and healthy weight loss. We have what you want and what you need.
Clients come to us for our expertise in helping them to lose weight. An important part of your program is our weight loss aids. These help to ensure that the client will achieve their weight loss goal in the most efficient and healthy way possible.

QWL only utilizes products that are designed to assist our clients in this process. We do not sell a whole “medicine cupboard” of other nutritional and vitamin-related products.
You probably won’t find over-the-counter products that are equivalent to the nutritional and weight loss qualities that our professional Q-Snacks and Q-Line proprietary weight loss aids offer. These have been designed for use with our program and the nutritional supplements are only available via our website.
Remember, the dietary aids and weight loss aids help to ensure that you meet their daily nutritional requirements and daily caloric intake for a healthy and safe weight loss.

What is The Q-Gold XTRM Formula?
Q-Gold XTRM combines the thermogenic and energy-enhancing properties of Ginseng, theobromine with the appetite-suppressing properties of Green Tea, banana, and vanadyl sulfate. Q-Gold XTRM also provides 800 mg per day of Hoodia Gordonii from South Africa which contains the active ingredient, P57, which signals the hypothalamus in the brain that the body is full faster. This results in the client eating less each time the client sits down to eat. Natural and easy portion control in a bottle! This product may be used by medical and diabetic clients and has no impact on heart rate. Two tablets per day make this formula easy to take and easy to remember. Each client starts on this formula, moving to the other herbal formulas later in the program. Some clients (medicals) remain on this formula throughout their programs.

What is the Q-Fatburner Formula?
A powerful thermogenic formula, this herb contains Ginseng and Ginko, along with Nutmeg, Citrus Aurantium, and Guarana, a caffeine-like herb. This formula suppresses appetite and increases energy while assisting the body in cleansing and detoxifying. It assists the body in metabolizing foods and makes losing weight enjoyable. It uses the all-natural alkaloids derived from the extract of Seville Oranges (zhishin) along with guarana for its metabolic effect. Individuals who are particularly sensitive to caffeine should not use this product. Certain states, such as Florida, prohibit the sale of all appetite suppressants to clients under 18 years of age.

Q-Fats Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
- Controls blood pressure
- Lowers cholesterol
- Speeds up metabolism
- Emulsifies fat for easy digestion and elimination
- Prevents gallstones
- Prevents hair loss, dry skin, and dry nails
- Prevents arthritis and visual disorders
- Aids in normal brain function
- Transports vitamins A, D, E, and K
- Helps reduce coronary artery disease

- Prevents utilization of ingested starch
- Allows client to eat starch as part of balanced nutritional program without adverse effects
- Improves weight loss
- Blocks 75 grams of starch or 300 calories

Utilize Quick Boost up to twice daily, with a maximum of four doses.

Used twice per day Q-Fiber+ will
Transformation Spotlight
Herbs Used in the Weight Loss Program
Herbs have been used by man as food and medicine for centuries. For thousands of years, most medicines and remedies were taken from natural herbs and plants. Herbs work with the body, not against it, in strengthening and building the body gradually so the body itself is stronger. Herbs can be compared with food, they feed the body.
How Herbs Work in Your Body
Herbs have the following functions in the body:
- Cleanse the body
- Regulate the system (body glands and functions)
- Provide Nutrition for processes
- Raise the energy level in the body
- Stimulate the body’s immune system

Q-Fats (EFAs) Essential Fatty Acids
Q-Release is best described as a mild diuretic. The main active component is Java Tea.
It will help with fluid retention, reduce inflammation, and reduce toxins in our fat cells.
Instructions: Take 2 capsules after each meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
Incompatible with Q-Release:
Thermogenic Antioxidant Energy Drink Mix
Boost is a very important element of the QWL program. It will help you achieve your daily 80 ounces of water target as it counts as water.
As our bodies age, they no longer heal and repair at the cellular levels as well as they once did. With the combination of poor eating habits, stress, and environmental toxins, our cells are constantly being attacked by toxins known as free radicals. Ironically, most of the free radicals attacking our cells from the inside come from a natural cause-
As the body metabolizes food, it breaks it down into individual components. Some of these components are free radicals, atoms that are missing an electron in their outer shell. These atoms attempt to stabilize by “stealing” an electron, typically from a healthy cell. As these free radicals scavenge your body for electrons, they damage cells and DNA. This natural process is called oxidation.
This same oxidative process is what causes iron to rust when it comes in contact with water. Your cells are literally “rusting” away from the constant attack of these unstable free radicals. Our bodies protect themselves with the antioxidants that we get from food. Antioxidants block the oxidation process by neutralizing these free radicals. The antioxidants give up the extra electron, thus preventing it from being taken from a healthy cell. As these antioxidants are used up in the process, there is a constant need to replenish the body’s antioxidant resources.
Your body cannot make antioxidants. It relies on getting them from foods and supplements. The antioxidants in food are typically found with the highest concentration in berries and fruit. Most people don’t consume nearly enough of these foods to adequately stock their antioxidant resources. The typical American diet is high in foods that increase free radical counts, including margarine, shortening, hydrogenated oil, preservatives, meat, butter, white flour, alcohol, and fried and browned foods. It’s also dangerously low in antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. Supplements can be used to provide your body with natural antioxidant sources to protect you from the effects of aging.
Q-Boost is a patented, scientifically formulated supplement beverage that combines some of nature’s most powerful flavonoid antioxidants with key vitamins and metabolic enhancers. Its energy-producing effects help:
Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant. It’s also a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory. Research shows that Quercetin may help to prevent cancer; especially prostate cancer! Quercentin’s antihistamine action may help to relieve allergic symptoms and asthma symptoms. The anti-inflammatory properties may help to reduce pain from disorders such as arthritis. Quercetin may also help reduce symptoms like fatigue, depression, and anxiety.
Green tea, recognized worldwide for its therapeutic properties, contains powerful flavonoids called catechins. The chief catechin in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering, fat-burning, and other beneficial properties. Researchers at the University of Kansas- Lawrence have found that EGCG is 100 times more potent than vitamin C in protecting cells and DNA from free radical damage in vitro.
The key metabolic enhancers in Q-Boost are Vitamins C, E, B-12, B-6, riboflavin, niacin, and thiamin. These key ingredients help the body absorb other nutrients in the energy drink and nutrients found in the foods consumed on the QWLC program. Q-Boost will enhance the thermogenic properties of the QWLC program, provide valuable antioxidant protection from free radicals, help with needed cell repair due to the damage from being overweight, and increase overall nutrient absorption. Clients will also love the “boost” of energy provided in the convenient powder pack with tasty flavors. This exclusive and proprietary energy drink mix is not available through any other weight loss center. Key active ingredients are the flavonoid antioxidants, Quercetin and Catechins.
Incompatible with Q-Boost:
Cleansing Tea
The bowel is one of the most neglected and ignored parts of the body. Using our cleansing tea will help to naturally cleanse the spinal area. Feces will be processed more efficiently, thereby allowing the body to store less fat. Along with weight loss, you’ll experience the feeling of well-being, that can only be enjoyed by a clean, healthy body, period. Even in small quantities, many poisons from the toxins can age and destroy your body. Poisons, germs, parasites, and worms accumulate on the walls of the colon from the buildup of fecal matter, with excess mucus caused primarily by the ingestion of dairy products. The average person is carrying 7 to25 pounds of dried fecal matter stuck in the colon as a result of eating meat, sugar, fat, white flour, preservatives, and drinking alcohol, etc. Food transit time of the person on a typical Western diet is an average of between 65 and 100 hours. Over 2 million people per year are diagnosed with colon disease in the United States alone (100,000 of these people will die).
Our Cleansing Tea is a pleasant and soothing drink with a mild laxative effect. This tea contains Senna, which is the leaf of Cassia senna. Leaves of the plant have been used for many years as a stimulant laxative. *No caffeine*
Instructions: 1 bag, 2-3 times a week, steep 3-5 minutes.
Incompatible with Cleansing Tea:
Morton Lite Salt
Do not use Potassium pills to avoid using MLS. You may use their salt throughout the day. No other foods, fruits, or vegetables may take the place of MLS. If you experience severe leg cramps, or Blood Pressure drops below 90/60, you may increase Morton Lite Salt to 3/4 tsp. daily. The only exception for MLS would be if a client is taking Lithium, they must use 1tsp. of regular salt daily.
Q Fiber+
How to Use Herbs
Follow instructions on the label and Dosage instructions provided during counseling visits. The rate at which the client detoxifies as well as his/her tolerance to herbs will determine how they respond to the initial administration of the product. To avoid any discomfort, we suggest the client follow the lowest dosage guidelines, slowly increasing the dosage just up to the level required for optimal effect. Generally, the herbs are taken prior to each major meal during the day with a full glass of water.

Herbal Dosage
The rate at which a person detoxifies as well as his/her tolerance to herbs will determine how they react to the initial administration of the product. To avoid any discomfort, we suggest that you should answer these questions in order to determine their dosage pattern:
- What time do you awake in the morning?
- What time do you eat breakfast?
- What time is lunch for you?
Time for dinner? - What time do you usually go to bed?
- What is your weekend schedule like?
You may need to adjust the times the herbs are taken in accordance with their work schedules, sleep, and eating habits. The herbs are taken two to three times daily generally one-half hour prior to a major meal. For example, if you are an early riser and your hunger begins early, begin your program in the morning. If the evening meal is eaten very late, take the herbal dosage earlier in the day to avoid nighttime restlessness.
Dosage schedules have been designed for maximum efficiency, therefore encourage your client to follow the recommended dosage and not to skip or save capsules. This is why it is so important for the counselor to follow up with the client and be in contact no fewer than three times each week.
Side Effects
You may experience minor side effects during the detoxification period which is easy to overcome. This period lasts from three weeks to three months, depending on the amount of toxins being released from the client’s body.
Should you experience insomnia or restlessness in the evening, it is possible they are taking the last dose too late according to their schedule. Check the time of the last dose and have them readjust to taking it earlier. If insomnia persists, the client may decrease the afternoon dose. Instruct the client to remain at the level that did not create the restlessness.
If the experience weakness or fatigue, make sure that you are eating all of the foods allowed on the plan, is not going for long periods of time without eating, and is eating food with the herbs. This includes drinking the proper amount of water, using the Morton Lite Salt as directed, taking the multiple vitamin and following the program in all respects.
If you experiences nausea, take the capsules WITH the breakfast and lunch meals, rather than 30 minutes prior to eating. Always drink water when taking the capsules as this assists in proper absorption.
Should you experience diarrhea as a result of the detoxification phase. This condition is normal and may occur for a few days then subside. Make sure you are drinking adequate quantities of water to prevent dehydration. Also avoid dairy products (cottage cheese and/or skim milk) until the condition subsides. If dry mouth occurs, make sure you are drinking 10 glasses of water daily.
Should you feel a tingling sensation, explain this is a normal response of the herbal therapy as blood vessels are dilating and circulation is increased throughout the body. Increased perspiration and a feeling of warmth may occur. This is a normal response as the body is cleansing itself of toxins and burning fat.
Occasionally, you may have a feeling of light-headedness or experience headaches. First, determine if the client is following the program properly, taking the multiple vitamin, eating all allowed foods, using the Morton Lite Salt and drinking adequate quantities of water. The MLS and water are absolutely essential to the proper action of the herbs. Remember, the herbs contain a natural diuretic, so instruct this client to eat foods higher in potassium whenever possible, broccoli, oranges, baked potato and to increase the MLS to 3/4 tsp. per day. This client should also be eating small meals 6 times per day (frequent feedings).
Ma Huang
Also known as “ephedra”, this ingredient is NOT found in any of the products offered by Quick Weight Loss Centers.
FDA Approval
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) does not approve dietary or vitamin supplements. All ingredients, labels, and claims meet all current rules and regulations issued by the U.S. Government. All of the ingredients are listed on the FDA G.R.A.S. list (generally regarded as safe). Who Cannot Use the Herbs (Appetite Suppressants)
- Breastfeeding mothers (NO herbs)
- Age 17 and under (NO herbs)
- Allergic to an ingredient – check listing